How To Stop Getting Flea And Tick Bites

Throughout life, we encounter several things that become a nuisance. These include pests such as fleas and ticks. Discovering them is a big hassle, especially if you or your dog likes to be active and outside. Getting your pets treated

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Spot the Difference: Mouse vs Rats

Physical and Behavioral Differences Between the Common Rodents Mice and rats are often seen as the same thing, with each name being used interchangeably when describing either of the two species. Although inaccurate, there are some logical reasons as to

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Pest Control Tips For Your Outdoor Space

Outlining The Best Pest & Insect Control Plan For Your Property Outdoor entertaining season is about to kick off with family & friends gathering in the fresh air for a barbeque or pool party. These activities always create lasting memories,

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Tick Talk: What You Need To Know

While enjoying the outdoors, the last thing you want to have to worry about is getting bitten by a tick. Ticks are small bugs that burrow into your skin and suck your blood. They range in sizes from as small

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Homeowners Guide to Identifying Ant Species

All over the United States, there are at least more than 700 different ant species. Only 25 of this number are commonly found in homes. Ants are very social and like to live together in colonies underground. They have hierarchies

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